Just. Be. Bold.

Ignite the power to conquer.

Take our Fearless Flyers Course absolutely free and learn how to face and
overcome 5 of the biggest stumbling blocks toward launching your purpose.  

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Just. Be. Beautiful.

Shine a light on the majesty  that lies within

Take our Fearless Flyers Course absolutely free and learn how to face and
overcome 5 of the biggest stumbling blocks toward launching your purpose.  

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Just. Be. Boundless.

 Break past the barriers that limit your creative potential.

Take our Fearless Flyers Course absolutely free and learn how to face and
overcome 5 of the biggest stumbling blocks toward launching your purpose.  

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The Misconception About Obstacles.

Obstacles are never truly insurmountable.  They may seem that way sometimes, and sometimes they may distract us with so much darkness that it is hard to see anything but shadow.

Darkness is merely the absence of light. And the beautiful thing is that even in the dark, the light switch remains.

Now we’ve heard it all before. Intentional thinking. Fiery Determination. Inner Stillness. Purposeful  Action. Read any empowerment book these days and this is what you will find as the cornerstone toward self improvement. This is what it takes to begin taking down the barriers that keep us stuck and far from where we want to be. All of these things combine together to create a recipe for building the momentum that we’ve been seeking to overcome any obstacle.  And it’s all very true. We do have the power to overcome anything. But there is one pesky fact that still remains. We have to learn how to access it. And this takes work.

Here’s the thing. If success, achievement and change were easy, we would all have it just by the desire for it. If we could snap our fingers we could banish our difficulties at will.  But this is far from the case.  Most of us aren’t able to achieve prosperity and success and happiness on a whim. And furthermore, the traditional approaches of personal development which advocates positive thinking and mental discipline as the main recipe for success don’t work for everyone. The truth is, we are all made differently. Our emotional terrains and mental constructs are unique to our life journey.  The lessons that we face along out life path is unique unto ourselves.  Each of us has a contrasting relationship with the nature of resistance, conflict and struggle. So in order to push past our limitation, break through barriers and get what we truly desire, we must first address the truth of who we are and what we truly want at the core level. It is on this level that the magic happens. When we learn to tap into this awareness, we can truly begin to move mountains regardless of how tall they seem to be.

Check out our School of Awesomeology to learn how to shape the life you want to live

About Brave Beyond Boundaries

Jenee Fernandes Jones, Founder

Jenee Fernandes Jones, Founder

As the  creator of Brave Beyond Boundaries. I am delighted that you have stopped by to get to learn a little bit more about us. I believe that you are here because something profound inside you has led you here.

Sometimes that profound influence is a gentle stirring, lovingly navigating you toward your opportunities for growth and blessings. Other times it is more powerful. So powerful that you can’t deny it’s pull.

Yes, I know all about it. I know it because I live it every day. It is an internal wisdom that guides me as it is rooted in the awareness that I AM more than what I have believed myself to be.


The Founding Vision

The Founding Vision

I Am more.

And I created Brave Beyond Boundaries with great hopes to be able to share my “more” with others, regardless of the presence of fear. To be able to teach others how to also share their own greatest gifts, despite the face of fear, so that one day they can create something spectacular in their own lives. A world of courageous creators naturally creating miracles everyday. What a wonderful concept. And Brave Beyond Boundaries  is my own personal stand against the boundaries that prevent us from doing just that: Sharing our light or shaping our lives and becoming all that we were meant to be.

I AM brave. I AM more. I will walk through the fire unscathed. Join me.

The Philosophy

The Philosophy

I Am beautiful. I Am brilliant. I Am whole.

I have powerful purpose. And so do you.

I understand that sometimes, because of the difficulties of what we are experiencing, we can become afraid to honor that loving awareness. We can hide our true authentic gifts away from ourselves because of our fears.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to be afraid. My past had me trembling in the face of adversity and stagnating because of sickness and suffering.  I have stumbled countless times. But after more than a decade of spiritual exploration and four years of complete social reclusion I am here to tell you now that you have the power to ignite your greatest gifts and allow it to shape your life into something majestic.

Regardless of what you see, feel or experience, there is one thing that remains changeless:

You are more.

You are more than your circumstances. You are more than your fear. There is something powerful that is waiting to be unleashed inside of you if you just rally your bravery and take a step forward. This is at the cornerstone of what I believe and what I want to express to those I meet along my path.

Other Works

Other Works

Creative Projects

As Seen On

Tiny Buddha
One Joyful Journey
Positively Positive




B3 School of Awesomeology

Just Be Brave. Take That Step.

You are a powerhouse. You have everything you need inside of you to live the life you deserve. Now is the time to muster your courage and step into the power of everything you are, and everything you are meant to be.


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